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Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Night is Singing

Davies, J. (2006). The Night is Singing. New York, NY: Penguin Young Readers Group.

Brief Annotation: As a young girl gets ready for bed she realizes how all around her the night is singing a lullaby. Through beautiful poetry and images we tuck the girl into bed through song and the world around her settling down for rest. The wind and leaves and even a storm all sing a lullaby. When the girl can not sleep, her mother comes in and sings to her as well. Finally she sleeps while the moon still sings her lullabies.

Genre: Poetry

Grade Level: K- Grade 3

Readers who will like this: The book contains a few larger words so readers would need to be fairly efficient, but it is a beautiful story with a lot of repeating and wonderful poetry, so other students may be interested as well. Teachers could use this for a read aloud if it was before a nap time, and of course parents will love this book as well for bedtime.

Response/Rating (1-4): 4, I teared up while reading this beautiful book. It is one of the best bedtime stories that I have read in a long time. The idea that the whole world is singing us a lullaby is such a sweet idea, and the pictures are truly beautiful. I was very impressed and will recommend this book to everyone.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: “What is your favorite lullaby?” “Are you ever afraid of storms? What if they could sing to you?”

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