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Monday, February 21, 2011

One Ted Falls Out of Bed

Donaldson, Julia. (2004). One Ted Falls Out of Bed. Currey, A. (illus.) New York, New York: Henry Holt Company

Brief Annotation: One teddy bear falls out of bed, but the two eyes of his owner are closed in sleep. He is encouraged to come play by three mice, and they enjoy a fun night in the room with a sequential set of toys and stuffed animals. The numbers count up, then back down to the two eyes of the boy, which finally open so that ted can get back into bed.
Genre: Fiction counting book
Grade Level: pre-K to First
Readers who will like this: Children learning to count, children who like stuffed animals, children with good imaginations
Response/Rating (1-4): 4. The pictures are funny, detailed and interesting, and the story is engaging, so that kids won't even realize they're being taught how to count.
One question you would ask before a read aloud: What do you think your toys would do at night if they came alive?

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