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Monday, February 28, 2011

Tomie dePaola's Mother Goose

dePaola, T. (1985). Tomie dePaola’s Mother Goose. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.

Brief Annotation: This book contains over a hundred pages of Mother Goose rhymes, compiled and illustrated by well-known children’s author and illustrator Tomie dePaola. The collection includes classics like “Little Boy Blue” and “Sing A Song of Sixpence,” along with many other lesser known verses.

Genre: Picturebook, Nursery Rhymes/Mother Goose

Grade Level: K-2

Readers who will like this: children who enjoy rhymes, fans of Tomie dePaola’s art.

Response/Rating (1-4): *** This is an extensive collection that introduces children to the world of Mother Goose. dePaola inspires imagination with his illustrations, which sometimes combine different Mother Goose rhymes, leaving children wondering what would happen if two such characters met.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: Who was/is Mother Goose?

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