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Monday, March 14, 2011

Bats at the Library

Lies, B. (2008). Bats at the Library. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin, Co.

Annotation: These bats are bored with their everyday routine. SO imagine their delight when they discover that the window to the library has been left open! Share their excitement and wonder as they explore the world of reading.

Genre: Picturebook

Grade: K-3

Readers who will like this: avid young readers, children with vivid imaginations, students who enjoy fantasy worlds, readers who appreciate rhyme in text.

Review: **** I enjoyed Lies humorous tidbits in this tale of rhyming fantasy - the bats reading upside down or inserting themselves into stories. I think that this book will get kids excited about the possibilities that open when they read.

One Question to Ask Before Reading: If bats could read, what kinds of books do you think they would like?

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