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Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Why the Sky is Far Away

Gerson, M. (1992). Why The Sky Is Far Away. Illus. Carla Golembe. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co

Brief Annotation: This Nigerian myth is a story of a tribe who eats pieces of the sky. Eventually, the tribe gets too wasteful and the sky has to move far away where the tribe can only look at it from afar. Now, the tribe has to work hard by tending the fields and learning how to make food other ways.

Genre: Folklore, Myth

Grade Level: K-3

Readers who will like this: Readers who enjoy stories about the planet, readers who enjoy myth stories

Response/Rating (1-4): 4 – I would love to incorporate this story as a read aloud during an environmental unit.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: What are some ways that you can take care of the earth?

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