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Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Monday, March 28, 2011


Grimm, B. (1812). Rapunzel. Germany, Children’s and House hold tales. Taken from:

Brief Annotation: Rapunzel is a beautiful girl who was taken from her parents as a baby and forced to live with a wicked witch. There is an enchanted forest around her and she is alone in her tower for many years. One day, a young prince comes by and falls in love with Repunzels’ voice. They meet and they fall in love, and Repunzel agrees to marry him. He cries out to her “Repunzel, Repunzel, let your hair down.” The wicked witch hears this and cuts off Repunzel’s hair and as the prince climbs the tower to get his future bride, he meets the witch instead. She pierces his eyes and he has to walk around blind in the forest. Until one day he hears a familiar sound- it’s Repunzel! They manage to live happily ever after after all.

Genre: Audio book

Grade Level: Kindergarten- 3rd Grade

Readers who will like this: It’s really fun to listen to books online! I think that anyone who enjoys a good story will enjoy this reading of Repunzel. This specific version is a little intense and sadder (thanks to the Brothers Grimm authors) but it is told very well. The voices they use are fun and vibrant and it’s a unique version of the story that I had not heard before. Teachers who are teaching about fairy tales would enjoy this site and be able to use this book.

Response/Rating (1-4): 3, I really enjoyed listening to this book- but I must say, it really does help to have pictures! I think that the audio was great and the voices fit well, but it takes much longer to listen than to read and that started to annoy me a bit. It is a classic story though and always fun to hear different versions. I think Repunzel is one of my favorite fairy tales.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: “ How would you get away from a wicked witch?”

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