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Monday, March 28, 2011

Kittens First Full Moon

Henkes, K. (2004). Kittens First Full Moon. Illustrated by Kevin Henkes. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers.

Brief Annotation: One day a kitten stared up to the sky and saw a great big bowl of milk. The kitten becomes excited that it tries to run to the milk. She tries to lick it, but ends up getting a bug instead. She even climbs a tree to get as close as possible-but is not able to reach the bowl of milk. Finally, defeated, she goes home…to find a nice bowl of milk waiting for her.

Genre: Picture Book, Kevin Henkes Book

Grade Level: Pre-K- 3rd Grade

Readers who will like this: Students who are new readers will enjoy this book. Anyone who likes Kittens will like it too. I would read this book as a teacher to my younger students in a read aloud setting, I will also read this book to my young children. It’s a soon to be classic!

Response/Rating (1-4): 4, The illustrations in the book are all black and white, and are absolutely beautiful! You fall in love with the kitten’s innocence and appreciate at the end that she is able to get some milk. It is a great story line and a very fun read.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: “What does the moon look like to you? What do you think it may look like to a cat?”

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