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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Doctor De Soto

Steig, W. (2010). Doctor De Soto. Illustrated by William Steig. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Brief Annotation: Doctor De Soto is a mouse who is a wonderful dentist. He helps all different types of animals, large or small, to keep their teeth clean. He and his wife work together, and they are very good dentists, but they do have one rule of never assisting an animal that would eat a mouse! One day a fox comes down the street and is in a lot of pain. Doctor De Soto decides to help the fox and gives him a new tooth. The fox does consider eating the mice, even though they are so nice to him, and is ready to pounce when he can. Doctor De Soto and his wife were ready for this and they outsmart the fox by permeating his mouth shut! The mice are happy and the fox is helped but taught a good lesson- don't eat people who are nice to you.

Genre: Picturebook

Grade Level: K-3rd Grade

Readers who will like this: William Steig fans will love this book! It is an award winner and one of his more recent books. Students will also enjoy this book because of the great illustrations, and teachers will enjoy reading this book. If there was ever an opportunity to do an author study, Steig is a pleasure to read!

Response/Rating (1-4): 4, Another fabulous book by William Steig. I think that this is a more modern book, but with the same moral dilemmas that many of his books show. The fox is a likable character, but the mice are even more likeable and it's great how they outsmart him. It's a beautifully illustrated story with a quirkiness about it that is captivating. I absolutely loved this book.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: “If you were a mouse would you help a fox?”

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