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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gorky Rises

Steig, W. (1980). Gorky Rises. New York, NY: Easton Press.

Brief Annotation: While left alone one day, Gorky mixes up a magic potion with common ingredients found around his house. He then decides to visit Elephant Rock to wait and see what magical powers the potion holds. He falls asleep, only to awaken floating in the air! He is very happy to float around town, attracting attention as he goes, until he hits a storm and finds himself suspended in the air wondering if he will ever be able to get down. He decides to try letting a small amount of liquid out of his magic bottle in hopes that he will become earthbound again.

Genre: Fantasy

Grade Level: 1-4

Readers who will like this: Readers who enjoy fantasy, pretend, or have ever tried concocting their own magic potion.

Response/Rating (1-4): 4. Steig uses intelligent language in this creative, entertaining story, giving teachers or parents a way to introduce new vocabulary to children.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: Have you ever tried to make a magic potion? If you had a magic potion, what would you want it’s power to be?

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