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Monday, March 28, 2011

Knuffle Bunny

Willems, Mo. (2004). Knuffle Bunny. New York, NY: Hyperion Books for Children

Brief Annotation: Trixie's dad decides it's time to go to the laundromat, and Trixie brings along her favorite stuffed animal, Knuffle Bunny. She helps her dad do the laundry and then they go home....but when they get home Trixie realizes that her beloved bunny is gone! Trixie can't talk yet, and she tries everything to make her dad realize that her stuffed bunny is gone....until finally her mom intervenes and realizes that Trixie's bunny is gone. Will they find Knuffle Bunny?

Genre: Fiction, picturebook.

Grade Level: Pre-K through 1

Readers who will like this: Kids have a favorite stuffed animal. Children who are just learning to read. Children interested in new art forms.

Response/Rating (1-4): ****. I loved the art in this book; the blending of drawing and computer images really captures the mood of a lot of scenes. This really is a feel good book that is great for younger readers. I highly recommend this, it was enjoyable from start to finish.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: Have you ever lost something important? Did you find it?

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