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Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Polacco, P. The Keeping Quilt. New York, NY: Simon and Schuester Books for Young Readers

Brief Annotation: This story follows the life of a family heirloom—a quilt—as it is passed from one generation to the next, remaining a central element of every major milestone. The quilt, made of clothing from “backhome Russia” was made by Anna’s mother after they emigrated from Russia. Made of clothing from the old country, the quilt became an important reminder of the home and people left behind. The story traces the family’s growth as member die and are born, the quilt remains as a memory.
Genre: historical fiction
Grade level: 2-5
Readers who will enjoy this: Readers who are studying family and family history or immigration. Readers who enjoy detailed pictures.
Response/rating: 4 This was a great book. I think it would work really well to read this book during a unit on immigration or if you were talking about family histories. It could initiate a really interesting discussion of students’ families’ traditions and heirlooms.
One question you would ask before read aloud: “Does any one have something in their family that was passed down to their parents from grand parents or great-grandparents?”

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