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Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Korean Cinderella

Climo, S. (1993). The Korean Cinderella. Illus. Ruth Heller. ew York, NY: Harper Collins.

Brief Annotation: A young woman named Pear Blossom is forced to live with her step-mom and sister after her real mother dies and her father remarries. Jealous by Pear Blossom’s beauty, she is constantly teased and called a “Pigling.” She is forced to do impossible chores and threatened to be sent away if they are not complete. Magical creatures help her complete her tasks and she eventually meets the magistrate and falls in love, much to the dismay of her step family.

Genre: Fairy-tale, Picture book

Grade Level: 3

Readers who will like this: Readers who enjoy Cinderella, fairytale stories, readers who enjoy reading about the happiness of the underdog, teaching children about different cultures

Response/Rating (1-4): 3

One question you would ask before a read aloud: Where is Korea?

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