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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Achoo! Bang! Crash! The Noisy Alphabet

MacDonald, R. (2003) Achoo! Bang! Crash! The Noisy Alphabet. Brookfield, CT: Roaring Book Press.

Brief Annotation: With illustrations done in an old-school, cartoon style, Ross MacDonald brings a very loud addition to alphabet books with Achoo! Bang! Crash! The Noisy Alphabet. Perfectly aimed at younger readers, the book goes through the alphabet, using a loud noise starting with each letter. Accompanied by humorous drawings and interesting typeface, this alphabet book is great for younger students who love to be involved. ZAP!

Genre: Alphabet Book

Grade Level: Pre-K through 2

Readers who will like this: Students who like to be involved with reading, noisy or loud students.

Response/Rating (1-4): ***. I enjoyed this book, and I thought the illustrations were very appealing. I think this would be a very good addition to any pre-k classroom, though I'm not sure if older readers would enjoy it as much.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: What letter does "Book" start with? What is your favorite sound?

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