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Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sheila Rae, the Brave by Kevin Henkes

Henkes, Kevin. (1987). Sheila Rae, The Brave. Illus. Kevin Henkes. New York, New York: Scholastic, Inc.

Brief Annotation: Sheila Rae is not afraid of anything. She'll walk backwards (with her eyes closed!), stand up to playground thieves, big black dogs and principals, and she even pretends trees are monsters and fights them. Her little sister Louise is a "scaredy cat," who won't join brave Sheila when Sheila takes a new way home from school. Sheila gets lost, and scared, and the newly brave Louise helps Sheila find her way home, finding her own confidence as she does so.

Genre: Fantasy picture book
Grade Level: kindergarten through second
Readers who will like this: Readers with siblings, readers who like books with animal characters, readers who have some problems with fear or timidity.
Response/Rating (1-4): 4. The book lets kids think about what it means to be brave or afraid, and the repetitive phrases make it a fun and memorable read for young readers.
One question you would ask before a read aloud: When do you feel brave? When do you feel afraid? What does it mean to be afraid?

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