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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Strega Nona

de Paoloa, Tomie. (1975). Strega Nona. Illus. Tomie de Paola. New York, New York: Simon & Schuster.

Brief Annotation: Big Anthony, who "doesn't pay attention," takes a job with Strega Nona, who uses her powers to help all her sick neighbors. Strega Nona is getting old, so she hires Anthony to help around the house, but tells him not to touch her pasta pot. After watching Strega Nona magically make pasta, Big Anthony jumps at the chance to do it himself when she leaves to visit a friend. He makes the pasta, but because he didn't pay attention, he doesn't know how to stop the overflowing pasta pot. Luckily, Strega Nona returns before the town is drowned in pasta, and she devises a fitting punishment for greedy, irresponsible Anthony.
Genre: Picture book, folktale
Grade Level: K-3
Readers who will like this: Readers who like folktales, young readers who like stories with a moral, readers interested in fantasy and magic
Response/Rating (1-4): 4
One question you would ask before a read aloud: Have you ever gotten into trouble because you didn't pay attention?

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