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Monday, January 31, 2011

Smoky Night

Bunting, Eve. (1994). Smoky Night. Orlando, Florida: Voyager Books.

Brief Annotation: Daniel, his mother and his cat watch the L.A. riots from inside his apartment until someone starts a fire in their building. They leave the apartment, and their cat, to go to a shelter with all of their neighbors, many of whom they don't associate with because of their different ethnic backgrounds. At the shelter, a firefighter brings Daniel's cat and the "fat and mean" cat of their Asian neighbor. The cats share a bowl of milk, and, seeing the cats getting along, the neighbors decide that they can get to know each other despite their different backgrounds.
Genre: Realistic fiction picture book
Grade Level: K-4
Readers who will like this: Students with pets, students learning about race relations or contemporary American history, students who live in violent neighborhoods.
Response/Rating (1-4): 4.
One question you would ask before a read aloud: What do you know about the L.A. riots?

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