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Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Strega Nona

dePaola, T. (1975). Strega Nona. New York, NY : Simon and Schuster.

Brief Annotation: Strega Nona “the grandma witch” was famous in her town for her abilities to cure headaches, warts, and help girls find husbands. Soon her magic pasta pot became more famous than she ever hoped, when her helper boy, Big Anthony, sang the song and made the pot boil never-ending pasta. The town came, ate and left, and the pot continued to boil because Big Anthony didn’t know to blow three kisses after the song was over. Luckily, Strega Nona showed up just in time before the whole town was swallowed up with pasta, and Big Anthony’s punishment was to east all of the pasta.

Genre: Folktale/Picture Book

Grade Level: 4-8

Readers who will like this: Readers who enjoy colorful illustrations and readers who like folktales with silly ending would enjoy this book

Response/Rating (1-4): **** I really enjoyed the artwork. Also I like that his punishment was to eat all of his mess. It made for a very cute ending.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: Have you ever made a mess as big as your house before?

1 comment:

  1. I would be very curious to know what kids said in response to your opening question! :)
