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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Eating the Alphabet

Ehlert, L. (1989). Eating the Alphabet. San Diego: Harcourt, Inc.

Brief Annotation: The exploration of the alphabet through yummy fruits and vegetables. This book takes you from Apples to Zucchinis feeling full by the end of the book.

Genre: Picturebook

Grade Level: Pre K-1

Readers who will like this: Children who enjoy colorful books. Children who are beginning to learn the alphabet. Children who are learning about the many different kinds of fruits and vegetables in the world.

Response/Rating (1-4): 3. It is a bright picturebook full of fruits and vegetables. A unique way to read about the alphabet to children.

One question you would ask before a read aloud: What are some fruits and vegetables that start with the letter A? B? C? etc.

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